Tin Roofing Materials for Forest User Group in Nuwakot

The Federation of Forest User Groups in Nepal is one of the longest running, community-based networks that exists in Nepal. The group exists to ensure for proper utilisation and equitable distribution of resources available from community forests to improve the socio-economic condition of deprived communities.


#WeHelpNepal is supporting the Forest User Group in Hile of Bageshwari. According to a representative from the group:

"Hile of Bageshwari has a mixed community of Dalits, Brahmin-Chhetris, Janajatis and Newars where the total number of household is 44 with 13 households of Dalits and the rest is mixed with other cast groups.  They are all very poor families and in very difficult situation. All of the houses of this village have been destroyed by the earthquake and the people are still living in the open.

After discussing the issue of constructing semi-permanent shelters for the households there with tin sheets, we found that it would take large amount of money to construct such shelters for all the affected families. So, we have decided to use the new tin sheets along with the somewhat damaged roofing materials the locals have to construct 44 shelters."


You can continue supporting shelter for communities like Hile of Bageshwari by contributing to #WeHelpNepal's reconstruction fund.

Relief aid, while well intentioned, often ends up in the pockets of corrupt local bureaucrats and/or multinational contracts, with very little reaching the people that actually need it. Ensure that your contributions reach those in need.
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