Sindhupalchowk district, in Nepal, was one of the most affected due to the earthquakes in April and May this year. The area is very prone to landslides and the earthquakes and its aftershocks triggered even more. With houses and livelihood’s destroyed, the onset of the rainy season made living conditions difficult for the villagers. Thankfully tin roofs (known as CGI Sheets) distributed to some of the affected people made things a bit more bearable.
The corrugated iron sheets were delivered in three VDC’s: Chokati, Ghorthali and Karthali. Here, more than 80% of the mud houses were destroyed due to the earthquakes. People were really good at improvising temporary shelters and had been using bamboo and wood, but they needed impermeable material for roofing.
WeHelpNepal granted $5200 US to the project and other individual donors from Spain and Mexico made up the rest of the budget which totaled $6400. With this money 130 bundles of CGI of different sizes were purchased. Integrated Self-help Association for Rural Development (ISARD), a local NGO helped with the transportation and logistics.
Deliveries were made in two phases between the 28th of July and 6th of August 2015.
In the first delivery was to Chokati VDC. 64 bundles were distributed to a total of 32 families. The deliver was hampered by heavy rains that made the already difficult roads impregnable and the going became slow and arduous. Due to these problems are farthest reach by vehicle was to Budepa village and from there families collected the CGI and carry it themselves to their respective villages. In some cases this was a three-hour trek over rough terrain.
The second delivery was made on August 6th, 2015. Again, heavy monsoon rains and bad road conditions made for slow going. We distributed a total of 66 bundles of CGI. With 32 bundles going to 16 families from Salleni village in Chokati VDC, 20 bundles to 10 families in Maindantole and Tungathali villages in Ghorthali VDC and 14 bundles to 7 families in Chalise village in Karthali VDC.
WeHelpNepal wishes to thank Pawel Skawinski for volunteering his time to put together these two highly effective relief efforts.
Relief aid, while well intentioned, often ends up in the pockets of corrupt local bureaucrats and/or multinational contracts, with very little reaching the people that actually need it. Ensure that your contributions reach those in need.
Read #WeHelpNepal's funding criteria and mission.
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