Sandesh Poudel organized a program at the Goganpani Madhyamik Vidyalaya School, which was attended by Christine Kolisch and Craig Lovell of WHN. They were met by the entire student body who received them with a warm Nepali welcome. This was followed by a program that included all of the teachers and students in the school.
The village of Goganpani in Dhading District was damaged by the earthquake. Many of the houses have cracks that make them uninhabitable and some of the villagers are living in temporary houses made of tin sheeting and other local materials. The school also is in need of repair but was not seriously damaged.
The school has an excellent staff of teachers many of whom are from the local village. All but 6 of the 350 students passed a recent government achievement test which is a remarkable record for a remote and underfunded rural school. This boasts well for our plans to expand the computer program and establish an e-library with Sandesh as the Project Leader.
Following the organized program we met with the principle and teachers to have a discussion on how to move forward and expand the computer program. There are currently 5 computers and one full time qualified instructor. Sandesh will be working with the school to help develop an effective curriculum, provide teacher training and eventually expand the number of computers. At the appropriate time we will provide a digital projector so more students can be taught effectively.
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