WeHelpNepal Year End Report - 2015

As 2016 begins there is still a lot of work to be done to support the people of Nepal in their effort to rebuild their communities and livelihoods since the first earthquake that rocked the country on April 25, 2015. #WeHelpNepal would like to sincerely thank everyone that has made a contribution. The projects would not have been possible without your support. 


From small projects to large scale initiatives, over the past eight months #WeHelpNepal has granted $408,041 to fund 81 projects facilitated by 35 separate grant recipients. Project leaders have mobilized pickups, lorries and helicopters to bring materials and emergency supplies to both urban and rural areas that were devastated by the earthquake.  Other project leaders have organized childcare, community kitchens and sanitation initiatives in refugees camps and in their communities.

Immediate Relief Projects - Immediately after the earthquake, project leaders mobilized to get emergency aid supplies to communities most heavily affected

  • Medical assistance and supplies
  • Distribution of sanitation supplies
  • Distribution of emergency food and drinking water
  • Suppling tents as emergency shelters
  • Distribution of solar lights


Transitional shelter Projects - With the rainy season fast approaching and public health concerns on the rise project leaders worked to organize

  • Tin sheeting, cement, and bamboo poles for temporary shelters
  • Building materials to build temporary toilets
  • The construction of transitional health centers

Sustainable Development Projects - In 2016 we will start to grant funding to  longer term sustainable developmental and resilience building projects.  To date our project leaders have bee working to 

  • Equipping rural schools with computers and providing basic training
  • Fund rural medical outposts
  • Rebuild a successfully community dental clinic in th Khumbu region
  • Run dental and mental health clinics with acupuncture and psychotherapy
  • Build permanent toilets with WASH,
  • Organize a garbage composting and recycling pilot program.


Emerging Needs (support needed) - Unfortunately, due to a blockade on the border with India, imports of important food, fuel, medicine and supplies to build shelter from the cold have been halted.  Project leaders on the ground have been working tirelessly find other channels to bring vital supplies.  The biggest needs that have been identified by those on the ground are

Medical Supplies – From antibiotics, vaccinations and painkillers to blood bags and surgical gloves, Nepal imports the vast majority of its medical supplies from India. Due to the politically motivated border blockade, much of these supplies are in severe shortage in both urban and rural areas. Project leaders have been finding alternative routes to bring in much needed supplies to distribute to medical teams.  

Blankets and Warm Clothes – Winter in the hills of Nepal can be very harsh and Nepalis have, over the generations, built their homes with this climate in mind. However, many of those that lost their houses have had neither the time nor the finances to rebuild their climate appropriate homes and are having to make due in temporary shelters of corrugated tin and tents.  Because of the dire situation, project leaders are continuing to organize blankets and warm clothes to people in need. 

In the spirit of the many celebrations to come this year we kindly ask you to continue to support communities in Nepal though grassroots community lead initiatives.  




Relief aid, while well intentioned, often ends up in the pockets of corrupt local bureaucrats and/or multinational contracts, with very little reaching the people that actually need it. Ensure that your contributions reach those in need.
Read #WeHelpNepal's funding criteria and mission.

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