Nepal Earthquake Relief Fundraiser - Sisters of Nepal


Nepal Earthquake Relief fundraiser happening at The Gibson Hotel in Washington DC. Enjoy discounted speciality cocktails with a $25 donation. 100% of proceeds will go to direct relief efforts. 

$25.00 USD · Purchase tickets
Julien Valliorgues Sajid Sahibzada Reena Shukla Susie Rania Shamein Qadri Shweta J Kapoor Upama Khatri Sanjit Shah Madhuri Thapa Katherine McDonnell Ratha Loganathan Eric August Swanson Ffitch Marice G. Sy Lelisha Poudyal Mariana Quidel Swadesh Gurung Saaret Yoseph Allix Wilde Mandisha Devkota John McCormack Jr. Namita Acharya Nnenne Agbai Susan Ahn Allie Picha Mo Givens Shailee Sharma U Kyle Trygstad Amalia Taborga Pragati Singh Sisters of Nepal

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