Himalayan Medics Get Support from WHN

In the aftermath of the quake, Himalayan Medics responded with emergency supply distribution and essential emergency first aid trainings in Kathmandu and affected districts. Recently, We Help Nepal provided a small grant to provide first responder medical training.



Sareena reports about the training: Himalaya Medics gave a first aid + safety training to a local orphanage of about 36 kids in the middle of Kathmandu. The building is now unlive-able so these kids (from tiny ones to teens) have been camping out in one large tent, and older boys are camping out in a local school down the road - the orphanage compound is too tiny to hold everyone. The building looks scarey as hell.

One team member gave a talk on earthquake safety with one group, whilst the other gave a hands on demo on first aid. Then they switched as different groups when through the same workshops. One of the team at Himalayan Medics (the first high altitude doc) was at Everest base camp when the avalanche hit after the first big quake. The kids were enthralled listening to his experience.

What did I learn today? That kids, no matter the fear, are so resilient + that adults, if they spend a little time out joking + laughing with them whilst talking about the serious issues of today, help kids learn fast so that they will never forget what you taught them. And they feel that they have new teachers who are friends, who are safe, and who care about them. There are other great guys such as Karkhana who are also doing similar work. These small efforts are so needed at a time like this.


Relief aid, while well intentioned, often ends up in the pockets of corrupt local bureaucrats and/or multinational contracts, with very little reaching the people that actually need it. Ensure that your contributions reach those in need.
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