Friends of Nepal Enters Phase 2 with Shelter in Sankhu
As we pass the two month mark for the first earthquake, Friends of Nepal's relief program has firmly entered its second phase. Located in the northwest of the valley, Friends of Nepal began providing temporary living shelters for a minimum 26 families in the Sankhu VDC.
"Regrowing Nepal" Trauma Release Workshop
The Lotus Group has been managing shelter, food and child care for a group of Sinduplchowk refugees that have settled in Gorkana, on the outskirts of Kathamdu. This week, they partnered with EduSoil to put on a weeklong workshop called "Regrowing Nepal." Kids and adults from all age groups had a week long sessions of "feeling," drawing, sharing and processing.
Read moreClearing the Rubble at Changu Narayan World Heritage Site
#WeHelpNepal is supporting Clean Up Nepal, which is currently working with a dedicated and committed group of youth who are working to systematically clear the rubble at the Changu Narayan World Heritage Site. This initiative is being led by the Pikhel Yuwa Club, Changu Narayan Nagarpalika Yuwa Pariwar and Nagarkot Youth Vision Club.
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Freinds of Nepal Joins with Lincolcn School to Deliver Relief
On May 25th, Friends of Nepal joined hands with Lincoln School's 8th and 9th grade classes to provide 35 household buckets of emergency relief supplies to families in Sankhu.
Lotus Group Coordinates Medical Camp
Day 36. We saw at least 200 patients at our Saturday medical camp today (led by Dr. Eliza Thapa). It was especially for mothers with infants and toddlers but also adults. Most adults wanted to check their blood pressure.
Building Bal Balika Kids Camp
The Lotus Group has been running a kids camp for children age 2-7 since the earthquake. A few days ago, a big storm knocked out their temporary shelter. Today, volunteers began rebuilding the community center with bamboo materials. Soon it will be ready for school and art classes again.
Friends of Nepal Sets Up Distribution Center in Fussball Stadium
Our team on the ground is rocking strong with a full on distribution center inside the Grassroots Recreational Center Fussball stadium. They are collecting, packaging, and distributing some of the first materials making it into Sindupalchowk and other districts.
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Collection Points for Relief Materials- Status Update April 30th
To date, Friends of Nepal and our collective on the ground have collected, bought, and delivered several tons of supplies of rice and dahl and relief materials. They organized a helicopter yesterday, and have helped load four semi-trucks to go out into villages. The collective is 20 people strong on the ground,
and they are collecting supplies all across Kathmandu.
Read moreBy the Grace of the Gods
"I was trying and trying to call a close friend in Kathmandu. I misdialed and a man answered the phone, not my friend. I apologized, but then asked him if he was ok. Yes, he said , he and his family were alive by the grace of the gods. I told him that I was praying for him and all those who are suffering in Nepal. He started to cry and said it was so good to know that someone so far away cared. I cried too."
Nepal Earthquake Relief - Status Update April 28th
I have just had a long conversation with a trusted Nepali friend in Kathmandu. He reports chaos and massive corruption. Aid supplies are not getting released - medicine sits on the tarmac, relief workers wait at the airport without anyone telling them where to go, government officials are stealing the tents and other donations to sell, Outlying areas are being ignored.
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